Natural Remedies for Insomnia and Insomnia Herbs

Ten Natural Sleep Tips

1. Secrets to Sleeping Soundly
There are many reasons why people have a difficult time staying asleep. The good news is that common problems with sleep are often easily addressed without the use of medication - there are no guaranteed natural cures for insomnia, but there are effective steps you can take. Ask yourself these questions (and try the simple sleep aid recommendations) if you find yourself waking frequently in the night:
  • Are you physically uncomfortable? A too soft or too firm mattr ess, an uncomfortable pillow, or an older, worn-out bed can all impede a good night's sleep. Check your mattress for signs of wear at least twice a year, and consider new pillows. You may also want to see an osteopathic physician who specializes in osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT). A session or two of this safe and effective sleep aid treatment can be life-changing.
  • Is your bedroom noisy? Consider a "white noise" generator, an inexpensive but effective device for making soothing sounds to mask jangling ones.
  • Is your mind overactive? If you can't sleep because of thoughts whirling through your head, try the Relaxing Breath - it can help you put aside the thoughts that are keeping you awake. A few stretches can help with sleep aid, too.
  • Are you frequently getting up to urinate and then not able to get back to sleep? Eliminate caffeine and alcohol, especially before bedtime - both can increase nighttime urination and increase sleep disturbances.
If you experiment with all these possibilities and still wake in the early morning hours, try getting up and reading or doing some light stretching - anything other than watching the clock and worrying about the sleep you're losing. Taking your mind off the problem can help to relax you and may help you to fall back asleep.
2. Understanding Insomnia
Insomnia is a relatively common sleeping disorder, affecting about one-third of the adult population worldwide. Insomnia is more common in women, but quality of sleep often decreases equally in both women and men as we age.
There are a variety of factors that can cause insomnia: stress (including anxiety about not being able to sleep), extreme temperature fluctuations, environmental noise or changes, medication side effects, hormones, or disruption to the regular sleep pattern. Depression, chronic pain, a variety of health issues and sleep apnea can also contribute to insomnia. Lifestyle can also affect insomnia - studies have shown that alcohol and caffeine intake and smoking cigarettes before bedtime disrupts sleep, as can excessive napping in the afternoon or evening.
These are not guaranteed natural cures for insomnia, but each may provide relief:
  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine. Take a warm bath, go for a relaxing stroll, or practice meditation/relaxation exercises as part of your regular nighttime routine.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night, and get up at the same time each morning. This includes weekends.
  • Get plenty of exercise during the day. Studies have shown people who are physically active sleep better than those who are sedentary. The more energy you expend during the day (preferable earlier in the day) the sleepier you will feel at bedtime.
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol, particularly in the evening.
  • Avoid large meals late in the evening.
  • Learn and use a relaxation technique regularly. Breathing exercises, meditation and yoga are good examples.
  • Use "white noise" devices to block out surrounding environmental noise.
  • Don't obsess about not sleeping. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that individuals who worry about falling asleep have greater trouble dropping off. It may help to remind yourself that while sleeplessness is troublesome, it isn't life-threatening.
  • Short naps are good. Try to get into the habit of napping: ten to twenty minutes in the afternoon, preferably lying down in a darkened room.
  • Spend some time outdoors as often as you can to get exposure to bright, natural light. If you are concerned about harmful effects of solar radiation, do it before ten in the morning or after three in the afternoon or use sunscreen.
  • Try to give yourself some time (up to an hour)in dim light before you go to sleep at night. Lower the lighting in your house and bedroom and if other members of the household object, wear sunglasses.
  • The two best natural sleep aid treatments are valerian and melatonin. Valerian is a sedative herb, used for centuries. You can find standardized extracts in health food stores and pharmacies. Take one to two capsules a half hour before bedtime. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the wake/sleep cycle and other daily biorhythms. Try sublingual tablets (to be placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve); take 2.5 mg at bedtime as an occasional dose, making sure that your bedroom is completely dark. A much lower dose, 0.25 to 0.3 mg, is more effective for regular use.